Maine coon cat price Philippines

Economical Maine coon cat price Philippines 2023

The Maine Coon cat, with its striking appearance and gentle temperament, has captured the hearts of feline enthusiasts all over the world. For those in the Philippines who are intrigued by this majestic breed, understanding the factors that influence the price of Maine Coon cats is essential. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of Maine Coon cats, exploring their origin, distinctive characteristics, and the allure that makes them such sought-after companions. However, our primary focus will be on the Maine Coon cat price Philippines.

The world of Maine Coon cats is filled with folklore, mystery, and captivating stories. These cats are often associated with seafaring adventures and tales of Scandinavian ancestors, but their true lineage remains a subject of debate. Nevertheless, Maine Coon cats have earned their place as a distinctive and uniquely American breed, known for their large size, friendly demeanor, and remarkable appearance.

Understanding the Maine Coon Cat

The Maine Coon cat is a fascinating and distinctive breed that has captured the hearts of cat enthusiasts around the world. In this section, we will delve into a deeper understanding of the Maine Coon cat, covering its breed history, distinctive characteristics, and temperament.

Breed History

The history of the Maine Coon cat is a blend of legend and folklore, making it a uniquely American breed. While the exact origin of these cats remains a subject of debate, several intriguing theories exist:

Maine Coon Cat Breed History

Seafarers’ Cats: One popular theory suggests that Maine Coon cats are descendants of cats brought to the United States by seafarers and traders in the 19th century. These cats would have interbred with local domestic cats, leading to the development of the breed.

Norwegian Ancestry: Another theory links the Maine Coon to the Norwegian Forest Cat. Some believe that the breed’s ancestors may have arrived in America on the ships of Norwegian seafarers and then mixed with domestic cats, resulting in the Maine Coon’s distinct appearance.

Regardless of its exact origins, the Maine Coon cat has a long history in the United States and is often associated with the state of Maine, where the breed gained its name.

Distinctive Characteristics

Maine Coon cats are easily recognizable due to their unique physical traits, which contribute to their charm and popularity:

Size: Maine Coon cats are among the largest domestic cat breeds. Adult males can weigh between 13 to 18 pounds, while females typically range from 8 to 12 pounds. Some exceptional individuals may even exceed these averages.

Physical Appearance: Maine Coon cats are known for their robust, muscular bodies, tufted ears, and large, expressive eyes. Their semi-long fur features a ruff of fur around the neck, and they come in a wide array of coat colors and patterns, ranging from tabby to solid.

Tail: These cats have long, bushy tails that add to their majestic appearance. Their tails are often carried high and proudly, making them look regal.

Eyes: Maine Coon cats have captivating eyes that can be shades of green, gold, or copper, enhancing their striking appearance.

Temperament and Personality

Beyond their remarkable appearance, Maine Coon cats are known for their friendly and sociable nature. Their personality traits are a significant part of their appeal:

Gentle Giants: Maine Coon cats are often referred to as “gentle giants” due to their substantial size and sweet demeanor. They are generally very gentle and non-aggressive, making them excellent companions, even for families with children.

Sociable: These cats form strong bonds with their human family members. They enjoy being involved in household activities and are typically affectionate and eager to interact with their owners.

Playful and Intelligent: Maine Coon cats are intelligent and inquisitive, making them highly engaging pets. They enjoy interactive play and may even learn tricks or engage in puzzle toys.

Adaptable: Maine Coon cats are known for their adaptability. They can thrive in various living situations, whether in a bustling family home or a quiet apartment.

Vocal: While not excessively vocal, Maine Coon cats are not typically shy about expressing their needs or desires with a gentle meow or chirp.

Maine Coon Cat Price Philippines

The price of Maine Coon cats in the Philippines can vary significantly depending on several factors. In this section, we will explore the factors that influence the price range of Maine Coon cats in the Philippines, providing a comprehensive overview of what to expect when considering the cost of acquiring one of these majestic feline companions.

Factors Influencing Price:

Pedigree: Maine Coon cats with documented pedigrees from reputable breeders often come at a higher price. Cats with pedigrees are traceable, and their lineage is well-documented, which is important for those interested in showing or breeding.

Color and Markings: The coat color and markings of a Maine Coon cat can significantly influence its price. Some coat colors and patterns are rarer and more sought after, which can increase the cost. Solid colors and classic tabby patterns are more common, while unique and intricate patterns, such as silver or tortoiseshell, can be pricier.

Gender: Gender can also affect the price. Female Maine Coon cats are typically more expensive than males because they have the potential for breeding. Breeders often charge a premium for female cats due to their reproductive capabilities.

Age: The age of the cat can impact its price. Maine Coon kittens are often more expensive than adult cats. Kittens are in high demand due to their cuteness, and they require significant care and attention in their early months, contributing to their higher price.

Breeder Reputation: The reputation of the breeder plays a crucial role in determining the price of a Maine Coon cat. Established and reputable breeders, who have a history of producing healthy and well-socialized kittens, typically charge higher prices for their cats.

Price Range:

The price range for Maine Coon cats in the Philippines can vary widely, but as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, you can expect to pay anywhere from around ₱25,000 to ₱75,000 or even more for a Maine Coon cat. Keep in mind that prices may have changed since then, so it’s essential to research the current market prices and reach out to breeders or sellers in your area for updated pricing information.

Cost of Ownership:

It’s crucial to consider not only the initial purchase price but also the ongoing expenses of owning a Maine Coon cat. These costs include:

  • Food: Maine Coon cats are larger than most other breeds and have hearty appetites. High-quality cat food is essential for their health and well-being.
  • Grooming: Maine Coon cats have semi-long fur that requires regular grooming to prevent matting. Investing in grooming tools or professional grooming services may be necessary.
  • Healthcare: Routine veterinary care, vaccinations, and potential emergency medical expenses should be factored into your budget. Maine Coon cats, like all cats, require regular check-ups and preventive care.
  • Toys and Accessories: Cats need toys and other supplies for entertainment and comfort. Investing in cat trees and scratching posts is especially important for Maine Coon cats, as they are active and enjoy climbing.

Adoption vs. Purchase: Benefits and Drawbacks

When considering adding a Maine Coon cat to your family, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is whether to adopt from a shelter or rescue organization or to buy from a breeder. Each option has its pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on your preferences, lifestyle, and priorities. In this section, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of both adoption and buying a Maine Coon cat.



Maine Coon Cat Adoption Benefits

Saving a Life: One of the most significant benefits of adopting a Maine Coon cat from a shelter or rescue organization is that you are providing a loving home to a cat in need. Many cats in shelters are looking for a second chance at a happy life.

Lower Cost: Adoption fees are generally much lower than the prices charged by breeders for purebred Maine Coon cats. This can make adopting a more budget-friendly option.

Adult Cats Available: Shelters often have adult Maine Coon cats in need of homes. Adopting an adult cat can be advantageous because their personalities are already established, and you won’t have to go through the challenging phases of kittenhood.

Rescue and Rehabilitation: By adopting from a shelter, you are supporting the rescue and rehabilitation efforts of these organizations. You play a role in helping cats find a safe and caring environment.


Limited Breed-Specific Options: Shelters may not always have Maine Coon cats available for adoption. If you have your heart set on this specific breed, it might be challenging to find one through adoption.

Unknown History: Cats in shelters often come with limited or unknown histories. You may not know about their early life experiences, health background, or behavior history.

Buying from a Breeder:


Known Pedigree: When you buy a Maine Coon cat from a reputable breeder, you will receive documentation of the cat’s pedigree, which includes information about the cat’s ancestry and bloodline.

Specific Characteristics: You have more control over the cat’s age, gender, and appearance when buying from a breeder. If you’re looking for a particular color or pattern, this can be a significant advantage.

Breeder Support: Reputable breeders typically offer guidance and support throughout the cat’s life. They can provide valuable advice on care, nutrition, and health.


Higher Cost: Maine Coon cats purchased from breeders are often more expensive than adopting from a shelter. This initial cost includes the purchase price and associated fees.

Potential for Overbreeding: Buying from an unethical breeder can contribute to overbreeding and unethical breeding practices. It’s crucial to thoroughly research and choose a responsible breeder.

Health Guarantees: While reputable breeders may offer health guarantees, there are no guarantees that your cat will remain completely free of health issues throughout their life.

Demand and Waiting Lists: Maine Coon kittens from reputable breeders can be in high demand, and there may be waiting lists to acquire one.

Finding a Maine Coon Cat Breeder

When you’ve decided to buy a Maine Coon cat from a breeder, it’s essential to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their cats. Here are some steps to help you find a responsible and ethical Maine Coon cat breeder:

Where are Maine Coon cats bred?

Maine Coon is regarded as a native of the state of Maine.


Start your search by researching Maine Coon breeders in your area or region. You can use online resources, such as breeder directories and forums, to find breeders. Additionally, you can seek recommendations from local cat clubs, veterinarians, and other Maine Coon cat owners.

Visit the Cattery:

Whenever possible, arrange a visit to the breeder’s cattery in person. A reputable breeder should be open to showing you their facility and the living conditions of their cats. Visiting in person allows you to assess the cleanliness, hygiene, and overall environment in which the cats are raised.

Ask Questions:

Don’t hesitate to ask the breeder a series of questions to assess their knowledge and commitment to the breed. Some questions to consider include:

  • Can you provide documentation of the cat’s pedigree?
  • Do you perform health checks on your cats, and can you provide records of these checks?
  • What kind of socialization and enrichment activities do the kittens receive?
  • Can you offer references from previous buyers?
  • What is your breeding philosophy and experience with Maine Coon cats?

Check Documentation:

Reputable breeders should provide you with the necessary documentation, including pedigree papers, health records, and a contract. Ensure that the pedigree papers are authentic and traceable. The health records should demonstrate that the cats are up-to-date on vaccinations, dewormed, and have received proper veterinary care.

Review Contracts:

Read and thoroughly understand any contracts or agreements provided by the breeder. Contracts may include terms and conditions related to spaying/neutering, breeding rights, and health guarantees. Ensure that the contract aligns with your expectations and what is best for the cat.

Observe the Cats:

Pay attention to the behavior and condition of the Maine Coon cats in the cattery. Healthy, well-socialized cats should be active, curious, and have a friendly demeanor. Look for signs of proper grooming and general well-being.

Ask About Socialization:

Inquire about the socialization process. Reputable breeders will ensure that their kittens are exposed to various people, sights, and sounds, making them well-adjusted and confident pets.


Ask the breeder for references from previous buyers. Speaking with other cat owners who have obtained their cats from the same breeder can provide insights into their experience and the health and behavior of the cats.

Observe Interaction:

Observe how the breeder interacts with the cats. A responsible breeder should genuinely care for and love their cats. They should be willing to provide information about the breed, answer your questions, and be passionate about the welfare of their cats.

Warning Signs:

Be cautious of breeders who exhibit the following red flags:

  • Unwillingness to show you the cattery or allow a visit.
  • Unsatisfactory answers to your questions about the cats’ health, care, and breeding practices.
  • A breeder who is not transparent about the cat’s pedigree and health history.
  • Overemphasis on the monetary aspects of the transaction rather than the cat’s welfare.

Finding a reputable Maine Coon cat breeder is a crucial step in ensuring that you are bringing a healthy and well-cared-for cat into your family. Taking the time to research and visit breeders and asking the right questions will help you make an informed decision and provide a loving and responsible home for your future feline companion.

Maine Coon Cat Care

Maine Coon cats are known for their size, majestic appearance, and friendly personalities. To ensure their well-being and happiness, it’s important to provide them with proper care. In this section, we’ll explore the key aspects of Maine Coon cat care, including nutrition and feeding, grooming and hygiene, exercise and play, and health and wellness.

Maine Coon Cat Care

Nutrition and Feeding:

Maine Coon cats have hearty appetites due to their larger size. Providing a balanced diet is essential to keep them healthy. Here are some guidelines for feeding your Maine Coon:

  • High-Quality Cat Food: Choose a high-quality commercial cat food that is appropriate for your cat’s age and activity level. Maine Coon-specific cat food is available and can be beneficial, but consult your veterinarian for recommendations.
  • Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent overeating and obesity, which can be a concern for this breed. Follow the feeding guidelines provided on the cat food packaging, and adjust based on your cat’s individual needs.
  • Fresh Water: Ensure that your cat has access to clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Avoid Human Food: Do not feed your Maine Coon cat human food, especially toxic foods such as chocolate, onions, garlic, and grapes.

Grooming and Hygiene:

Maine Coon cats have semi-long fur, which requires regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain their coat’s health. Here’s how to care for their fur and hygiene:

  • Brushing: Regular brushing, at least a few times a week, is essential to prevent matting and reduce shedding. Invest in a good-quality cat brush or comb. Pay special attention to areas like the ruff, mane, and tail.
  • Bathing: While Maine Coon cats are generally good at self-grooming, you may need to bathe them occasionally, especially if they get into something dirty or have long fur. Use a cat-specific shampoo and ensure the water is warm and comfortable.
  • Eye and Ear Cleaning: Check and clean their eyes and ears regularly to prevent issues. Use a damp, soft cloth for their eyes and a gentle ear cleaner for their ears.
  • Nail Trimming: Keep their nails trimmed to prevent overgrowth and avoid scratching. Be cautious not to cut too close to the quick.

Exercise and Play:

Maine Coon cats are active and playful, so they require mental and physical stimulation. Engage them in play to keep them healthy and happy:

  • Interactive Toys: Provide toys that encourage play and mimic hunting behavior, such as feather wands and laser pointers.
  • Climbing Opportunities: Maine Coon cats enjoy climbing, so provide cat trees, shelves, or other structures for them to explore and climb.
  • Social Interaction: Spend quality time with your cat, as they thrive on human interaction. Maine Coon cats often enjoy interactive playtime and may even learn tricks.

Health and Wellness:

Routine veterinary care is essential to ensure the health and wellness of your Maine Coon cat:

  • Vaccinations: Keep your cat up-to-date on vaccinations as recommended by your veterinarian to protect against common feline diseases.
  • Parasite Control: Use appropriate treatments to control internal and external parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and worms.
  • Dental Care: Dental health is crucial. Brush your cat’s teeth regularly, and provide dental treats or toys to promote oral hygiene.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Schedule routine check-ups with your veterinarian to monitor your cat’s overall health and address any concerns promptly.
  • Spaying/Neutering: Unless you plan to breed your Maine Coon cat, it’s advisable to have them spayed or neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of certain health issues.
  • Observe for Health Changes: Pay close attention to your cat’s behavior and appearance. If you notice any changes, such as a loss of appetite, lethargy, or unusual behaviors, consult your veterinarian immediately.

By providing proper nutrition, grooming, exercise, and regular veterinary care, you can ensure the well-being and longevity of your Maine Coon cat. Their friendly and playful nature makes them wonderful companions, and with the right care, they can thrive as cherished members of your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

The price of a Maine Coon cat in the Philippines can vary widely, depending on factors like pedigree, age, gender, coat color, breeder reputation, and location. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Maine Coon cat prices typically ranged from around ₱25,000 to ₱75,000 or even more for a well-bred kitten. Prices may have changed since then, so it’s important to research current prices and contact local breeders for accurate information.

Maine Coon cats are often more expensive than other breeds due to their popularity, large size, and unique characteristics. The costs associated with responsible breeding, such as veterinary care, high-quality nutrition, and socialization, also contribute to their price. Additionally, factors like pedigree and specific coat colors or patterns can increase the cost.

Yes, there are ongoing expenses to consider when owning a Maine Coon cat. These include the cost of high-quality cat food, grooming supplies, regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, dental care, toys, and accessories. It’s important to budget for these expenses to provide the best care for your Maine Coon cat.

The decision to adopt or buy a Maine Coon cat depends on your preferences, budget, and individual circumstances. Adoption is a compassionate choice and can be more budget-friendly, but it may be challenging to find a specific breed. Buying from a reputable breeder allows you to choose specific characteristics but comes with a higher initial cost. Both options have their pros and cons.

To find a reputable breeder, start by researching online directories and seeking recommendations from local cat clubs, veterinarians, and other Maine Coon cat owners. Arrange visits to catteries to assess living conditions. Ask questions about the breeder’s practices, request documentation of pedigrees and health checks, and review contracts carefully to ensure they align with your expectations and the cat’s welfare.


Maine Coon cats are a beloved and distinctive breed, known for their gentle nature and striking appearance. The Maine Coon cat price Philippines varies, but it’s important to consider the long-term costs of cat ownership. Whether you choose to adopt or buy from a breeder, careful research and consideration are crucial to ensure a happy and healthy life for your Maine Coon companion.

By understanding the Maine Coon cat’s history, price factors, care requirements, and adoption options, you can make an informed decision about bringing one of these magnificent felines into your life. Whether you’re drawn to their striking looks, friendly personality, or both, the Maine Coon cat is sure to be a captivating addition to your family.

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