Blue Persian Cat Price

Affordable Blue Persian Cat Price | Everything You Need to Know in 2023

The Blue Persian cat is a majestic and enchanting breed known for its striking appearance and calm demeanor. With its luxurious long fur and distinct blue coat, the Blue Persian cat has become a favorite among cat enthusiasts and pet lovers alike. However, acquiring one of these beautiful felines comes at a cost.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Blue Persian cat prices, exploring the factors that influence their price, the range of prices you can expect, and the responsibilities that come with owning such a cherished pet.

Understanding the Blue Persian Cat

Before we dive into the price, it’s crucial to understand what sets the Blue Persian cat apart. This breed is renowned for its distinctive characteristics, which include:


Blue Persian cats are known for their luxurious, long, and dense fur, which gives them a regal appearance. Their most prominent feature is their striking blue coat, which can range from a soft pastel blue to a deeper, more intense shade. They have large, expressive eyes and a flat, rounded face. Their compact, stocky bodies are complemented by a plume-like tail, making them truly enchanting to behold.


These cats are beloved for their gentle and calm demeanor. Blue Persians are known to be quiet and affectionate pets who enjoy lounging around the house, seeking out cozy nooks, and basking in the sun. They are often described as the quintessential lap cats, making them excellent companions for individuals seeking a loving and tranquil feline friend.

Factors Influencing Blue Persian Cat Prices

The price of a Blue Persian cat can vary significantly, influenced by a combination of factors that potential owners should be aware of. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision when considering adding a Blue Persian to your family.

Factors Influencing Blue Persian Cat Prices

Breeder Reputation

One of the most crucial factors impacting the price of a Blue Persian cat is the reputation of the breeder. Reputable breeders, who prioritize the health, well-being, and genetic purity of their cats, will typically charge higher prices. They invest time, effort, and resources in ensuring their cats are well-cared for, properly socialized, and come from healthy bloodlines.

Pedigree and Lineage

The pedigree and lineage of a Blue Persian cat also play a significant role in determining its price. Cats with impeccable pedigrees, often boasting a history of show champions in their lineage, can command higher prices. These cats are considered “top quality” and are often sought after by those who wish to show or breed cats themselves.

Coat Color and Quality

The shade and quality of the Blue Persian cat’s coat can influence its price. Cats with a more vibrant and uniform blue coat are often more expensive than those with less striking coloring. Additionally, cats with a coat that is exceptionally soft, thick, and well-maintained may come with a higher price tag.


The gender of the Blue Persian cat can also impact its price. In some cases, male cats may be less expensive than females. However, this can vary depending on the breeder and the specific qualities of the cat.


Kittens are typically more expensive than adult cats. This is because kittens require more care and attention in their early stages of life, and they have a longer lifespan ahead of them. Adult cats may be more affordable and can be a great choice for those who prefer a more mature and settled pet.

Health and Vaccination

A cat’s health is a significant determinant of its price. A Blue Persian cat that has received proper veterinary care, vaccinations, and a clean bill of health will be more expensive than a cat with potential health issues. Responsible breeders invest in the well-being of their cats, which is reflected in the price.


The geographic location can also influence the price of Blue Persian cats. In areas with a higher cost of living, such as large cities, you can expect to pay more for a cat. Additionally, some regions may have a higher demand for specific breeds, which can drive prices up.

Price Range for Blue Persian Cats

Now that we understand the factors affecting the price, it’s important to have a clear idea of the price range you can expect when considering a Blue Persian cat. Prices can vary greatly, so let’s explore the general price ranges.

Pet Quality Blue Persian Cats

Pet-quality Blue Persian cats, which are typically not meant for breeding or show, are the most affordable option. Prices for pet-quality Blue Persians can range from $500 to $1,500, although you might find some for less from less reputable breeders or pet stores. These cats are still wonderful companions, but they may have minor imperfections or not meet the stringent breed standards for showing.

Show Quality Blue Persian Cats

Show quality Blue Persian cats are those that meet or exceed the breed standards and are often used in cat shows and breeding programs. The price for a show-quality Blue Persian cat can range from $1,500 to $3,000 or more. These cats are the cream of the crop and are often meticulously bred and raised to meet the highest standards.

Breeding Quality Blue Persian Cats

Breeding quality Blue Persians are typically the most expensive, as they are sought after by breeders who want to enhance their breeding programs. These cats may have exceptional pedigrees and conform to the breed standard flawlessly. Prices for breeding quality Blue Persians can range from $3,000 to $6,000 or even more.

Special Characteristics and Rare Features

If a Blue Persian cat possesses unique or rare characteristics, such as an extremely intense blue coat or strikingly different eye colors, the price can be significantly higher. Cats with special features can command prices ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 or more.

What are the body characteristics of a Persian cat?

The Persian is an extreme-looking breed. The body is short but thick with thick legs and a short, thick neck.

It’s important to remember that these are general price ranges, and individual circumstances can lead to higher or lower costs.

Responsible Acquisition of a Blue Persian Cat

When considering bringing a Blue Persian cat into your life, it’s essential to do so responsibly. Here are some guidelines to ensure the well-being of your future feline companion:

Choose a Reputable Breeder

Select a breeder with a good reputation for ethical breeding practices. Reputable breeders prioritize the health and welfare of their cats and kittens. They will be transparent about the cat’s lineage, health history, and vaccinations.

Ask Questions

When inquiring about a Blue Persian cat, don’t hesitate to ask the breeder questions. This can include questions about the cat’s lineage, vaccination records, any potential health issues, and the breeder’s approach to socialization.

Visit the Breeder

Whenever possible, visit the breeder’s facility to see firsthand how the cats are raised and cared for. It’s an opportunity to evaluate the living conditions and the overall well-being of the cats.

Be Prepared for Ongoing Costs

The purchase price is just one part of the cost of owning a Blue Persian cat. Be prepared for ongoing expenses such as high-quality cat food, grooming supplies, veterinary care, and more. The Blue Persian’s long fur requires regular grooming and maintenance, which can incur additional costs.

Responsible Ownership

Blue Persian cats require special attention to their grooming needs due to their long fur. Make sure you are ready and willing to commit to their grooming requirements. Additionally, provide them with a safe and comfortable environment, plenty of love and attention, and regular veterinary care.

Grooming and Maintenance

One of the defining characteristics of Blue Persian cats is their long, luxurious fur. This stunning coat, while beautiful, requires regular grooming and maintenance. To keep your Blue Persian cat healthy and happy, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into their grooming routine.


Regular brushing is essential for a Blue Persian cat. Their long fur is prone to matting and tangling, which can be uncomfortable and even painful for the cat. To prevent this, you should brush your cat daily or at least a few times a week. Invest in a high-quality cat brush or comb designed for long-haired breeds. Be gentle and patient during grooming to avoid stressing your cat. Brushing not only prevents matting but also helps reduce shedding and hairballs.

Persian cat Brushing


Blue Persians are not known for being fans of water, and bathing can be a challenging task. However, occasional baths are necessary to keep their fur clean and free from oils that can accumulate over time. It’s recommended to bathe your Blue Persian every 4-6 weeks. Be sure to use a cat-specific shampoo and make the experience as gentle and stress-free as possible. Be prepared for some resistance, and ensure the water is at a comfortable temperature.

Eye Care

Blue Persian cats are prone to tear staining, which can result in unsightly brown streaks on their facial fur. To address this issue, gently clean your cat’s eyes daily using a soft, damp cloth or a tear stain remover solution. Regular eye care not only keeps your cat looking clean but also prevents potential eye irritations.

Ear Cleaning

Like all cats, Blue Persians require regular ear cleaning to prevent the buildup of wax and debris. You can use a cat-specific ear-cleaning solution and a soft, clean cloth or cotton ball. Avoid using cotton swabs as they can push debris further into the ear canal. Gently clean the ears as needed, which may vary from cat to cat.

Dental Care

Dental care is often overlooked but is crucial for a cat’s overall health. Blue Persians are no exception. Brush your cat’s teeth regularly to prevent dental issues and bad breath. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for cats. You can also provide dental treats and toys to help maintain their oral health.

Nail Trimming

Trimming your Blue Persian cat’s nails is another part of grooming. Regular nail trims prevent their nails from becoming too long and causing discomfort or damage to furniture and other objects in your home. If you’re unsure about how to trim a cat’s nails, consult with your veterinarian or a professional groomer.

Health Considerations

Blue Persian cats, like all breeds, are prone to specific health issues. It’s crucial to be aware of these potential problems and to take steps to ensure your cat’s well-being.

Respiratory Issues

Due to their flat faces and brachycephalic features, Blue Persians can be prone to respiratory issues. These issues can range from mild snoring to more severe problems that may require veterinary intervention. Keep an eye on your cat’s breathing and seek prompt medical attention if you notice any signs of distress.

Dental Problems

Blue Persians are also susceptible to dental issues, including periodontal disease. This makes regular dental care and check-ups with your veterinarian essential. Signs of dental problems may include bad breath, difficulty eating, or excessive drooling.


Obesity is a common problem in many cat breeds, including Blue Persians. Their calm and sedentary nature, combined with their love for lounging around, can make it easy for them to gain weight. Monitor your cat’s diet, provide regular exercise, and consult with your veterinarian for guidance on maintaining a healthy weight.

Kidney Disease

Blue Persian cats are also predisposed to kidney disease. Regular check-ups and routine blood work are crucial for early detection and management of this condition. Be sure to provide fresh water at all times and feed a balanced, high-quality diet to support kidney health.

Eye Conditions

Blue Persians are known for their striking eyes, but they can also be prone to certain eye conditions, including entropion (a condition where the eyelids roll inward) and corneal ulcers. Keep a close watch on your cat’s eyes and seek veterinary care if you notice any abnormalities or signs of discomfort.

The Joy of Owning a Blue Persian Cat

Despite the challenges of grooming and health considerations, owning a Blue Persian cat can be a truly rewarding experience. These cats offer a unique and loving companionship that is cherished by their owners.

Unconditional Love

Blue Persians are known for their affectionate nature. They often enjoy cuddling, sitting on your lap, and providing companionship. Their loyalty and devotion to their owners can create a deep and lasting bond.

Calm and Tranquil

If you seek a peaceful and serene companion, a Blue Persian cat is an excellent choice. Their calm disposition makes them ideal for households looking for a tranquil presence. They can be a soothing presence in a busy and sometimes hectic world.

Beauty and Elegance

There’s no denying the beauty and elegance of a Blue Persian cat. Their striking appearance and regal demeanor often draw admiration from friends and visitors. You’ll feel a sense of pride in sharing your life with such a majestic feline.

Low Exercise Demands

Blue Persians do not require a lot of physical activity. While playtime is essential for their mental and physical health, they are content with gentle games and lounging. This trait makes them suitable for individuals who have a more relaxed lifestyle.

Lifelong Companionship

With proper care, Blue Persian cats can live a long and healthy life, often reaching 15 years or more. The bond you develop with your Blue Persian can provide you with companionship and joy for many years to come.

Training and Socialization

When you bring a Blue Persian cat into your home, it’s essential to invest time and effort in their training and socialization. While they are naturally gentle and well-mannered, proper training can help reinforce positive behaviors and ensure your cat is a well-adjusted and happy member of your household.

Training and Socialization

Litter Box Training

Most Blue Persian kittens are litter box trained by the time they are ready to go to their new homes. However, it’s essential to maintain proper litter box habits. Keep the litter box clean and in a quiet, accessible location. If you encounter any issues with inappropriate elimination, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical problems.


Socialization is a critical aspect of your Blue Persian’s development. Expose your kitten to various people, environments, and experiences from a young age. This will help them become more adaptable and less prone to stress or anxiety in new situations. Be patient and gentle during the socialization process, and use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior.

Obedience Training

Blue Persians are generally well-behaved, but basic obedience training can still be beneficial. Teaching commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” can help improve their communication and responsiveness. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to encourage desired behaviors.

Leash Training

If you wish to take your Blue Persian cat for walks or outdoor adventures, leash training is a useful skill. Start with a comfortable harness and leash designed for cats. Begin indoors, allowing your cat to get used to the feeling of wearing the harness before venturing outside. Keep outdoor excursions safe and supervised.

Handling and Grooming

From a young age, accustom your Blue Persian cat to being handled and groomed. This will make grooming and vet visits less stressful. Gradually introduce your cat to brushing, nail trimming, and other grooming activities to ensure they remain comfortable and cooperative.

Responsible Breeding

While many people purchase Blue Persian cats as pets, some may be interested in becoming breeders themselves. Breeding cats is a complex and responsible undertaking that requires careful consideration and commitment.

Knowledge and Education

Before embarking on a breeding venture, it’s essential to acquire a deep understanding of the breed’s standards, genetics, and ethical breeding practices. Attend seminars, and workshops, and seek guidance from experienced breeders. Breeding should not be taken lightly, and responsible breeders prioritize the health and welfare of their cats above all else.

Selecting Healthy Breeding Cats

Responsible breeders choose breeding cats with excellent health, temperament, and adherence to breed standards. They conduct thorough health screenings for common breed-specific issues and avoid breeding cats with genetic conditions that could be passed on to their offspring.

Ethical Practices

Ethical breeding practices involve a commitment to the well-being of the cats. Breeders should provide excellent care, proper socialization, and a clean and safe environment for their cats. They should also be knowledgeable about proper breeding protocols, including mating, pregnancy, and kitten care.

Finding Suitable Homes

Reputable breeders prioritize the welfare of the kittens they produce. They carefully screen potential buyers to ensure they are knowledgeable, responsible, and dedicated to providing a loving and safe home for the cats. Breeders should also be prepared to provide support and guidance to new cat owners.

Responsible Record-Keeping

Maintaining meticulous records of breeding pairs, health history, and lineage is crucial. This information is not only vital for tracking the health and genetic history of the cats but also for adhering to legal and ethical standards within the breeding community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Blue Persian cats tend to be more expensive due to their unique characteristics, such as their striking blue coat and long, luxurious fur. Additionally, the cost reflects responsible breeding practices, which prioritize the health and well-being of the cats, as well as the investment in maintaining their lineage and breed standards.

While Blue Persians from rescue organizations or shelters may be more affordable than those from breeders, the price can vary. Adoption fees typically range from $50 to $150, but this can differ depending on the location and the organization. Adopting a shelter can be a more cost-effective option and allows you to provide a loving home to a cat in need.

Yes, there are several ongoing costs to consider when owning a Blue Persian cat. These include high-quality cat food, regular veterinary care, grooming supplies, and potential unexpected medical expenses. Additionally, you should budget for toys, litter, and other cat-related items.

While it’s possible to find Blue Persians at a lower price from less reputable sources, this approach can come with significant risks. Cats from such sources may have health or behavioral issues, and you may not have access to the necessary documentation or support you would receive from a responsible breeder. It’s important to prioritize the welfare of the cat and choose a reputable breeder or rescue organization.

When budgeting for a Blue Persian cat, consider not only the initial purchase price but also ongoing expenses such as grooming, food, and veterinary care. Additionally, set aside funds for potential emergencies or unexpected medical costs. It’s crucial to be financially prepared for the responsibilities of cat ownership.


The Blue Persian cat is a captivating and beloved breed, known for its beauty and gentle nature. While their price can vary significantly based on several factors, the companionship and joy they bring to their owners are truly priceless. When considering acquiring a Blue Persian cat, remember to prioritize the health and well-being of the cat, and choose a responsible breeder who shares your commitment to providing a loving and nurturing home for your new feline family member.

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